All Souls Day Service 7.00pm Thursday 2nd November St Peter & St Paul’s Church Longhoughton
9.15am Holy Communion St John the Baptist Church
11.00am Sunday Worship
11.15am Holy Communion
LESBURY VILLAGE HALL Friday 6 November 3.30pm – 5.30pm (including a Meal!!!)
Messy Church is for young and old alike! If you are a child you will need to bring an adult with you! Everyone welcome! Just come! No charge!
Remembrance Service 9.45am
Act of Remembrance War Memorial 11.00am
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) including short act of Remembrance
Service of Remembrance 9.15am
Service of Remembrance 10.45am
Holy Communion 9.15am
Holy Communion 11.15am
Sunday Worship (with Lesbury) 10.30am